
토익 LC part 3 & 4 paraphrasing (2)

Elodie0313 2024. 11. 12. 20:50
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Could you widen these parts that go over my ears? To request a fit adjustment
magazines publications
I can't read comfortably with my glasses unable to use an amenity
open the bicyle shop launch a retail business
there are a few documents we need to go over together~. To review some paperwork
I attend a session on using the advanced functions of 
the Laboratory Automation System.
A training workshop
put in the countertops install some interior surfaces
blueprints were changed Some design plans have been revised
specialized skills expertise
Why did you decied to leave Resign from her position
Our pay here is below market rate Her compensation is unuaually small
you're an inspiration to us People who influenced him
give ~ some of their fee back issue a partial refund
greeting cards, journals stationery
be on a tight schedule not have much time
use robots to do the work performed by machines
let the rest of our team know inform some colleages
pick me up ~ Meal bring him some refreshments
more attention more publicity
hadn't heard of unfamiliar
a trade show  an industry event
a list of everything we're going to talk about an agenda
our yearly ~ party an annual gathering
prototype a sample item
find a more suitable ~ method  search for an alternative
I recommend buyong a DVD from girf shop ~  Purchase a video souvenir
keep this information to yourselves avoid disclosing some information
our loyalty program a rewards club
executive suites accommodations
latest modern
event-planning agency event organizer
you can see the four-step process you should follow 
when you get a complaint
A list of actions
partner up and act up sample situations engage in role plays
vehicles will not be allowed the banning of automobiles
its ~ boundary may ~ be extended its scope might expand
network with a professional contact speaking with a business associate
expand our advertising campaign increasing a promotional effort
money some fiancial resources


< 어휘 >

* countertop : 작업대

* surface : 작업대(의 표면), 표면

* blueprint : 설계도

* exit interview : 퇴사자 면접

* market rate : 시세

* issue : 발급하다

* ring up : (금전 등록기로) 입력하다

* concierge : 안내 서비스

* disembark: (비행기에서) 내리다

* pitch : 권유하다, 제안하다

* publicity : 인지도, 언론의 관심

* bookkeeper : 회계 장부 담당자

* craftmanship : 솜씨

* rest assured : 안심하세요 

* executive suite : (호텔의) 고급 특실
